Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Old Shay's Rebellion HW from 10-3-12

Shay’s Rebellion and the Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation created the first form of government in the United States.  It was created during the American Revolution, passed by the Second Continental Congress in 1781 by all thirteen states.  It formed just one branch only-a Congress (no President or Court System).  It gave few powers to the government, meaning it made a very weak form of government.  As a result Shay’s Rebellion, happened soon after the American Revolution.

Daniel Shays, a former Continental Army officer….and other local leaders led an uprising of distressed {upset} farmers from western Massachusetts groaning under the load of heavy taxes made by the government…to pay the interest….of the state's wartime debt.
During an economic depression, with farm prices low and foreign markets closed, the state government was taxing the farmers to pay wealthy eastern bankers.  These bankers had loaned the state and farmers money during the war to keep farms and the state government going.  Many of these farmers had fought in the revolution but because of inflation there wartime salaries were now worthless.  They were broke, losing their land and feeling betrayed by the country they fought to keep free. 
The farmers either could not or would not pay, and when they failed to do so, state judges were quick to confiscate {take} their farms. In response the farmers organized into a militia and marched on the courts, which they closed. They thought if they closed courts the judges could not use the law to take their land.  They believed they were being used by the bankers and mistreated by the Massachusetts government.
Leaders were quick to misrepresent the grievances and aims of these (farmer) insurgents. They claimed that the farmers were radicals…..out to steal property, instead of being, what in truth they were, property-owning, anti-tax rebels who wanted to keep their farms.  Under the Articles of Confederation the U.S. government had little power to stop them and no real army.  This…scared the country into supporting a more vigorous and powerful federal government. George Washington was terrified. ‘We are fast verging toward anarchy and confusion,’ he wrote.  Soon the federal government would be granted much more power in the Constitution was created.
1.  What was the cause of Shay’s Rebellion?  Was it justified? Explain
2.  What did opponents believe about the farmers? Explain
3.   What does George Washington’s quote mean?  Does he support the current government or something else?  Explain

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