Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday 10-19-12 HW and Essay reminder!

Read p.107-109 Explain the meaning and importance of the Marbury vs. Madison Supreme Court case. 

Due Friday 10/26/12 Complete the DBQ Essay on The War of 1812Using the documents on p. 120-122 and the information of the chapter about the war, its causes and effects.  Use the task to construct your thesis statement.  Use a dictionary as you read!
You DO NOT need to hand in the document questions, just the essay

Quote and summarize from the documents as well as using the textbook!  Name the person you are quoting or summarizing as you are giving your proofs.  Every 

paragraph should be clearly and directly connected to your thesis!

RUBRIC   - Please aim for a 5!

·       Contains an introduction, body, conclusion in correct order.
·       Introduction contains provable thesis and interesting hook.
·       Proves thesis by including supportive details.  Ideas are fully developed in body.  
·       Shows clear evidence of frequent primary source document use (i.e. quotes, statistics)
·       Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates)
·       Includes relevant outside information
·       Reader understands why topic was important in shaping U.S. history.
·       Writing conventions contain little or no mistakes.
·       Evidence of revision.

·       Introduction contains thesis and hook.
·       Body has several proofs that are related to the thesis.
·       Shows evidence of primary some source document use (i.e. quotes)
·       Essay may be slightly off-topic at times.
·       Minimal inaccuracies
·       Reader shows some good understandings of important facts related to topic
·       Some mistakes in spelling and grammar.
·       Thesis is stated in first part of essay.
·       Writing is a summary and makes some attempt to prove a thesis.
·       Many ideas are weak and not fully developed.
·       A few uses of primary sources
·       May lack focus; may contain digressions; some inaccuracies
·       Mistakes in spelling and grammar.
·       Thesis is weak or unclear.
·       Writing is a summary and does not show a purpose.  May be missing paragraphs introduction or conclusion.
·       Ideas are weak and not always related to the topic 
·       Several inaccuracies.
·       Shows little evidence of primary source document use
·       Many mistakes in spelling and grammar that make it hard to read.

·       No Thesis
·       Lacks parts of essay like body or conclusion
·       No paragraphs
·       Few proof and no use of sources
·       Many mistakes in spelling and grammar that make it hard to read

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