Neolithic Revolution
- About 10,000 years ago
- People changed from nomadic hunting &
gathering to growing food
- Cause:
people learned how to grow food & domesticate animals
The Crusades
- 1096-1291
- Christians waged series of holy wars against
Muslims for control of the Holy Land
- Causes: Seljuk Turks took control of Jerusalem. Pope calls on
Christians of Europe to recapture Holy Land
The Renaissance
- 1400’s
- Rebirth of classical culture & learning
beginning in Italian City- States
- Cause: Wealthy Italian City-States, monarchs, & artisans, Greek &
Roman influence, Population rebound, Humanism, Secularism,
Printing Press
Age of Exploration
- Late 1400’s
- European monarchs competed for new trade routes
& lands
- Causes: Search for new trade routes, advanced technology, missionaries,
desire for new products
- Effects: Cultural diffusion, new world, colonization, Columbian exchange,
The Scientific Revolution
- Renaissance through 1700’s
- Rejection of traditional authority in favor of
direct observation
- Causes:
Curiosity inspired by
renaissance& exploration
- Effects: Scientific method, use of Human Reasoning, questioning previous
thought, advances in medicine, mathematics, & astronomy, Law of
Gravity, Enlightenment
The Reformation
- 1517
- Challenging the Church’s authority leads to
- Cause:
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses protesting the sale of indulgences
- Effects: Ended Religious unity in Europe, formation of Protestantism,
religious wars between Catholics & protestants, Counterreformation,
religious persecution, rise of royal power
The Enlightenment
- 1700’s
- Intellectual movement also known as the Age of
- Causes: Scientific Revolution (Reasoning), Applied Scientific to
understand people & improve society
French Revolution
- 1789-1799
- Revolution overthrows the Old Regime (Estates)
- Causes:
Inequality among classes, unfair tax system, Bankrupt government,
enlightenment ideas, weak ruler
The Industrial Revolution
- Began in the 1750’s in England (natural
- Means of production shifted from hand tools to
complex machine, Innovations in power( End of domestic system)
- Cause: Agrarian Revolution, Population Explosion, Energy Revolution
- Effects- Mass production, Urbanization, imperialism, Socialism, rise of capitalism, Trade
Unions, reform laws, New class structure, upset balance of power
- 1914-1919 Allies vs. Central Powers
- Causes: MANIA
- Effects: New Technology/Mass Death & destruction/famine
- Huge War debts/reparations
- End of major empires
- Treaty of Versailles leads to WWII
Russian Revolution
- 1917
- Cause:
Economic differences, Tsarist rule, Pogroms, Russification Russo -Japanese
War ,WWI
World War II
- 1939-1945
- Axis Powers vs. Allied Powers
- Causes: Harshness of Treaty of Versailles, Rise of Dictators, Failure of
League of Nations & Appeasement, Nazi & Japanese Aggression,
The Cold War
- 1945-1991
- Years of Tension/competition: US vs.,
USSR, No direct Confrontation
- Causes-Differing
political & Economic ideologies, Soviet domination of Europe
The Green Revolution
- After 1940
- Aimed @ developing better food production in
developing countries
- Cause: World Hunger & malnutrition,
population increasing quicker than food supply
- Effect: New high yield crops & fertilizers, Advances continue
Technology Revolution
- Late 20th Century
- Continuous progress in science & technology
- Cause-
Scientific advancement
- Effect: Computer Revolution, Automation, advances in medicine,
Transportation, & communication, Space exploration

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