Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Exam Review

Review questions for Age of Anxiety
1) How were the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and WWI connected?
2) What were the major causes of the 1917 Russian Revolution?
3) What did Russia become after the revolution of 1917?
4) Define Totalitarianism.  Which leaders practiced it?
5) Lenin’s famous political slogan promised the Russian people ___________, ___________, and  ______________.
6) Why do totalitarian governments limit artistic expression, free speech, independent judges, independent or creative thought, multi-party governments and individualism?
7) What is an authoritarian government?
8) What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plans and farm collectivization?
9) Was collectivization a success or a failure?  Explain
10) Were Stalin’s Five Year Plans successful?  Explain
11) What was similar in fascist and communist economies during the 1930’s?
12) What factors lead to the expectance of totalitarian regimes by the people of Europe?
13) How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Germany?  Explain
14) Was the Treaty of Versailles the reason Germany was economically crippled?
15) How did the Depression impact the world economy in the 1930’s?
16) Why was the Weimar Republic ineffective in dealing with the problems Germany faced?  Explain
17) What are the basic beliefs of fascism?
18) What is the policy of appeasement?  Is it effective?
19) How did Japan attempt to grow its economy and power after WWI?
20) What policy did Japan, Germany and Italy pursue that led to WWII?
21) What does the term aggression mean, when it is used to speak about nations?
22) Why was the League of Nations ineffective in stopping aggression and war?
23) What are reparations and who was forced to pay them by the treaty of Versailles?
24) What are the goals of communism, fascism and republicanism?

Essay  - Use at least two of the following as examples – Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler (be specific)
1) Define totalitarianism and how fascism and communism are branches of totalitarianism   2) What conditions in Europe and Russia set the stage for totalitarianism?  3) What were the plans, goals and results of totalitarian leadership?

Czar Nicholas II
Russo-Japanese War 1905
Revolution of 1905
 (Bloody Sunday)
October Manifesto
Provisional Government
Bolshevik Revolution 1917
Vladimir Lenin
New Economic Policy
Command Economy
Joseph Stalin
Five-Year Plan
Great Depression
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Benito Mussolini
Weimar Republic
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Aryan Race
Enabling Act
Nuremberg Laws
Examples of Japanese/Italian/German Aggression
Munich Conference

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