Friday, November 18, 2011

Project Due! Wednesday, 23rd last day to turn it in!

1. To create the impression of a “new beginning” for your country, you have decided to change the country’s name. What will the new name be?
2. Design a flag for your new nation.
3. What would be a good national slogan that people could identify with and rally behind? (example: “My country right or wrong”!)
4. Do you believe warfare should be used to gain more territory and achieve your national interests? (explain your answer)
5. How important is it to have a powerful army and navy?
6. How will you raise money to equip an army and build a navy? (mention specific ideas)
7. Design two medals that will be awarded to national heroes—one for bravery on the battlefield and the other for important contributions by citizens.
8. Will there be freedom of the press, or will newspapers be controlled by the government? (Give a reason for your decision,)
9. Will military service be required, or will there be a volunteer army?  (Explain your decision.) Will both men and women serve? What ages are eligible for military service?
10. How can you achieve a “favorable balance of trade” – that is export more than you import?
11. Your country’s people are of different races and religions. Some even speak different languages. How are you going to overcome these differences and create a strong, unified nation?
12. Will liberals be satisfied with the type of government you establish?  Liberals want a constitution which protects freedom of speech, press, and religion. And they want a law-making parliament and the right to elect its members. (Briefly explain your answer.)
13. What will you do with “reactionaries” who demand that your country have a strong King and a privileged nobility and clergy – as it did before the period of the French Revolution?

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